Dear meetup attendees, the slides I presented were meant to be a “fly by” of samples and examples of pitching best practices. If you’d like to follow some of those same starting points (and also please do search on your own with Google, YouTube, and slideshare) Here is a run down of the content. (a few more yet to come…) – Roy
Chris Lipp Presented on pitch structure, also at Hanhai back on 4 April of 2014 Chris advocated for the pitch structure of
Problem, solution, market, business. I agree with and advocate this same structure
Our happy and successful young pitch master was founder of Lit Motors, Daniel Kim.
Bill Gates and “half of start ups are silly” story at Business Insider
Here are the slide deck experts and examples
Nathan Gold of And his YouTube video about slides and pitching
Steve Austin of “Idea to IPO” with another slide deck (links below image)
Here is the 3rd deck example from slidshare. I shared slide #42